Gay Pride 2007 in Rome

Gay Pride 2007 in Rome
Engagement Party Favors
Image by Chiara Marra
Colors, music, rainbows and peacefull extravagance symbolized the Gay Pride manifestation in Rome during last Saturday (6/16/2007) . Italian gay people are come in the square asking for their civil rights. Some times ago, Romano Prodi and his allies discuss to approve the DICO law, a sort of french expression for PACS that legalize civil union also without a religion marriage.

Today in Italy,marriege among gay people are still not possible, the Church influence is very strong on the italian political power. The Vatican is always ready to admonish every lay attemp considered too immoral for the engagement of the Christian Catholic Church while in the other UE states
like the Spain of Zapatero, the society is grows in a climax of high progressism in social politic.

By the way, in Italy is common to say that Church attitude simpatizes for the Cdl, the Silvio Berlusconi’s coalition more conservative that the actual coalition in loads cordinated by Prodi.

However,one month ago, in San Giovanni in Laterano (Rome) Church and politic authorities of every parties support the Family Day a manifestation for show the value of the true family as the Church foretells.
Is this a contraddiction?
For the observers this rapresent a conservative approach that ecaplise the spirit of reform emphatized at the biginnig by the premier Romano Prodi.
The sight of parties inspired by the old Christian Democracy (inclused the new idea of Prodi to create a Democratic Party for leave to the past italian comunism tradition) seems to domine in the italian realpolitik actually without specific focuses and color of ideology from every coalition.

In Rome 1 million of italian gay asked for moore right based on equality, lay and no prejudice flavored also by devorced people and cohabitans that hasn’t the same right of a “normal” catholic citizen. But the political embarrassment to join to the manifestation was high and only the ministers
Barbara Pollastrini, Paolo Ferrero , Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio and the transexual member of the parlament Vladimir Luxuria have dicided to favor this event with their presences

Looking at italian society, in last years the faith mood for the Christian value is not so elevated, a sense of confidence to the society have to be create. Obviously it rapresent also an important affairs for the milion of immigrants that here create a mealitng pot of muslim, chinese, indian and african communities that make of Italian a multicultural reality.

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