Opinion (Sunday, March 16, 2014) … Pro tips: Experts demystify the hiring process (Mar. 21, 2014) — Look beyond the paycheck …item 2.. Students pursue business goals (Mar. 23, 2014) …

Opinion (Sunday, March 16, 2014) … Pro tips: Experts demystify the hiring process (Mar. 21, 2014) — Look beyond the paycheck …item 2.. Students pursue business goals (Mar. 23, 2014) …
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One of the best ways to land that job, of course, is to develop a skill that is in demand or to pursue a calling that you are passionate about. But in a tough job market, ability and drive are not necessarily sufficient. It’s also important to mind your manners around employers and to develop strong personal relationships with people in your profession.

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… marsmet511 photo … Economy .. Strong jobs report for Miami-Dade (Friday, 01.24.14) …item 3.. Seaside To Host Job Fair (Feb 07, 2014) …



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… marsmet524 photo … Burger that !! — only college graduates need apply. (3 April 2013) …item 3a / 3b.. Pulp Fiction Scene – “Hamburgers” — Franzen briefcase, lock combination 666 …



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…..item 1)…. Pro tips: Experts demystify the hiring process …

… Florida Today … www.floridatoday.com/

img code photo … The Career Source Brevard March Job Fair


The Career Source Brevard March Job Fair had 50 employers and more than 800 pre-registered job seekers. / MALCOLM DENEMARK / FLORIDA TODAY


Written by
Ilana Kowarski


Mar. 21, 2014 7:33 PM |


The labor market is heating up on the Space Coast as people look to switch careers, or hunt for new employment after being laid off from a previous job.

Area teens are also starting to flood the market as they prepare to lock up jobs for the upcoming summer break, and this year’s class of college graduates also will be entering the work force soon. There are currently 18,234 unemployed people in Brevard County, according to Florida’s Department of Economic Opportunity.

So how do you make yourself stand out in this competitive job market?


Unemployment rate on the Space Coast

Brevard County’s
unemployment rate, released last Monday.

The previous month’s rate, December 2013, was 6.6 percent.


FLORIDA TODAY spoke with several people around Brevard who are involved in hiring decisions and know about employment issues to get their take on what job seekers need to do — or not do — to make a good impression on a future employer.

One of the best ways to land that job, of course, is to develop a skill that is in demand or to pursue a calling that you are passionate about. But in a tough job market, ability and drive are not necessarily sufficient. It’s also important to mind your manners around employers and to develop strong personal relationships with people in your profession.

The consensus among those interviewed by FLORIDA TODAY was that the most attractive job candidates are those who come across as positive and engaging individuals and who demonstrate knowledge about the company where they are applying. So, if you’re looking for work, you probably shouldn’t show up late for appointments, dress inappropriately or do anything which gives employers the impression that you do not take them seriously.

— Look beyond the paycheck

• “We don’t want to hire people who just want a job. We look for people who want a career at our company and who do not see us as a temporary employer,” said Cindy Holmes, the human resources director at the Merritt Island-based Kennedy Space Coast Federal Credit Union.

For Holmes, the most troubling sign in a job candidate is an unwillingness to speak frankly or an inability to show enthusiasm. “If they’re too quiet and you feel like you’re dragging answers out of them and they’re not very forthcoming, that’s a problem,” she said.

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Conveying interest in a job can be done in subtle ways, so small adjustments to your personal demeanor can make a big difference in job interviews.

— Mind your body language

• Michael Higgins, the human resources director of Craig Technologies, said body language is a key factor in his hiring decisions.

“Eye contact and smile are the absolute top of my list,” he said. “It just sets the tone. I think it gives you a perspective of the type of person they are. We spend a lot of time at work and I want to be interacting with people that A.) are friendly; and B.) have a enough self confidence to look me in the eye. That conveys a sense of trust with me.”

What do employers see as a red flag? Ignorance about your industry is a big one, and the worst mistake is an obvious lack of research about the employers that have chosen you for a job interview. Another negative: an inability to communicate why you are a good fit for their position.

“If someone is going to approach us and have a dialogue with us and not have any background on who we are as a company and the opportunities we have, to me that’s a big turnoff,” Higgins said.

— Keep confidence high

• Susie Van Meter, the corporate services director at Eastern Florida State College, said that maintaining confidence is crucial, even though it can be difficult at times.

“Don’t give up hope, because you never know what’s going to happen the next day, and it’s important to keep applying,” she said.

Self-respect is vital because it’s hard to sell yourself when you’re feeling down, so it’s important to remember your talents and to keep up morale, Van Meter said.

“When you’re applying for a position, provide as much evidence as possible of your knowledge and skills,” said Karen Conde, the personnel manager at the Brevard County Board of County Commissioners. “One thing that I would encourage is that, when someone goes to submit a resume or a cover letter, they should try to tailor the application materials to the position.”

— Showcase your accomplishments

• Dave Barerra, human resources director at Wuesthoff Health System, said that he favors resumes that describe a person’s professional accomplishments over those that simply list job titles.

“Accomplishments in previous jobs really set people apart,” he said.

— Be likeable, be comfortable

• Judy Gillespie, a career coach and resume specialist, said applicants should strive to achieve a comfort level when being interviewed.

“Being likeable is key,” said Gillespie who also is a FLORIDA TODAY columnist. “Of course they need to have the required knowledge, skills and abilities but what tips the scales in their favor is when job seekers focus on making an interviewer feel comfortable talking with them.”

Contact Kowarski at 321-242-3640 or ikowarski@floridatoday.com. Follow her on Twitter @IlanaKowarski.

…..item 2)…. Students pursue business goals with ‘3 Day Startup’ …

… FSU News … www.fsunews.com/

FSU News / section / News … www.fsunews.com/section/NEWS

Program aims to build marketing, entrepreneurial skills by bringing ideas to fruition during weekend event

img code photo … Events, such as 3 Day Startup and FSU Digitech (pictured above)


Events, such as 3 Day Startup and FSU Digitech (pictured above) are held on Florida State’s campus to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship among students. / Robert Gill / FSView


Written by
Megan McCreery
Staff Writer

FSU News
FSU News Campus

Mar. 23, 2014


Students at Florida State University interested in entrepreneurship have a limited number of programs through FSU that can stimulate their hands-on, creative minds.

A program stretching all across the globe called the “3 Day Startup” is offered to interested students with the goal of setting up a real world, real functioning company selling their product of any kind in just three short days. The company’s headquarters send consultants to the participating places, which make sure the event runs smoothly.

Andy Zimbroff, a consultant sent to FSU from Austin, Texas came this past weekend to help run the curriculum. His main goal is to get the students to learn by doing, instead of learning by listening to a lecture. By providing anything and everything imaginable for the weekend, all staff, faculty and participants want nothing than to support those participants working on achieving their dreams of becoming an entrepreneur.

“On Friday, the participants all pitch their own ideas and then collectively decide on roughly seven or eight to run with for the weekend,” Zimbroff said. “After a lot of hard work on their group’s ideas, they pitch their ideas to a panel of judges on Sunday night, where they will receive both positive and negative feedback.”

The event coordinator for the event is Johnathan Adams, who is a faculty member from FSU’s School of Communication. With a lot of hard work, the event was put together for the students and participants from all ages and skill level.

“Students have the opportunity to work on a real business idea in an interdisciplinary team. They learn by doing,” Adams said. “The benefits for students are that they learn about their own limitations and strengths, leadership, confidence in working on a goal-driven team–I could go on, the bottom line is that this is a career builder as well as a great exercise in business development.”

One student who participated was Matthew Baxter. Baxter is a grad student working on his master’s degree in Integrated Marketing Communications. This was his first time participating in a 3 Day Startup event, and was anxious and excited to pitch his idea. After finding out about 3DS through the website, he decided this would be a perfect time to go out on a limb and take a risk to share his ideas.

Baxter was very excited to have all of these networking opportunities as well as meet a lot of new, motivated, hard-working go-getters this weekend through the program. Baxter said that one of the best parts for him would be having a chance to work with people from all different disciplines including advertising, business and programming, among many others.

“Working with other participants this weekend through 3DS is going to be a challenging, yet rewarding process I’m sure,” Baxter said. “We will be formulating a business model while working on market validation, and then trying to create a prototype, and finish off the weekend working on some kind of legal formation for whatever product or idea my group is working with.”

Baxter went in on Friday with what he considered to be two very good ideas, but decided to only choose his second favorite to pitch to the group.

“The first time I came up with this idea that I believe has huge potential to be great was about three of four years ago,” Baxter said. “I have an idea relating to the environment and another, which I will present to the group, focusing on more of a practical or entertainment value. I believe this idea of mine is more practical for the 3DS program, and think others will view it highly as well.”

With a hands-on approach, participants from all over the academic spectrum will work together in order to achieve something greater than any one member of the group for the program.

In the words of another participant, senior Ryan Kuhl: “I fully intend on being an entrepreneur and 3DS will equip me with the necessary skills to do so in three days.”


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