February 1964 …item 1e.. For entertainment purposes only. …item 3.. Miami Rents Are Wildly Unaffordable for Average Residents (Wed., Apr. 16 2014) …
Image by marsmet533
So, as Miami’s rich continue to get richer by selling fancy condos to other rich folks, the average Miamian continues to get screwed.
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Thursday, April 3, 2014
Black text on white background
…..item 1a)…. Flickr.com … www.flickr.com/ …
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The Help Forum is a great place to start if you need help with Flickr (just like our extensive FAQ). Our community is full of helpful, clever people who know more about Flickr than we do!
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— This thread has been closed by Flickr Staff.
[Thread Closed] New Photo Experience … Page 34 …
— [EDIT: Thread closed April 3, 2014.]
Posted at 1:47PM, 25 March 2014 EDT ( permalink )
Matthew Almon Roth (staff) edited this topic 2 weeks ago.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
— garrth1001 says:
You know, I have a simple need…to sign onto this site and admire other peoples photographs. I have been doing this for a couple of years and seen some amazing photos, but I do not understand why Flickr is doing what it is doing. It is no longer a pleasurable process to come here, it is frustrating and annoying.
You would have thought after the last saga that Flickr would have learnt more about customer service and the importance of only releasing a product when it is right.
Sadly, as far as I can see they have failed…and failed as much as it is possible to fail.
I for one will be looking elsewhere, then keeping my fingers crossed that Flickrs owners never get their hands on any other company I use!
Posted 2 weeks ago. ( permalink )
Thursday, April 3, 2014
…..item 1d)…. — Help / The Help Forum …
[Official Thread] Update on the new photo experience … Page 4 …
Thanks for you support and patience.
Posted at 6:19PM, 31 March 2014 EDT ( permalink )
Monday, March 31, 2014
— falconn67 says:
None of these changes are things that users want.
We want the map back on the main photo page. We want to see the comments on the photo. We want to see more than two discussions listed on the main page of each group.
We want to be your customer not your product. Since announcing "here is no such thing really as professional photographers", Yahoo has pulled Flickr further away from its roots and closer to the pile of crap that caused it to lose their ground the email market, news, and everything else.
Give us Flickr pre-May 2013 and we’ll be happy customer, rather than unhappy products.
Posted 2 weeks ago. ( permalink
Friday, April 4, 2014
…..item 1e)…. The Flickr Helpthehelpforum Image Generatr …
This page is not affiliated with Flickr.
For entertainment purposes only.
Not to be taken internally.
Images all taken from the Flickr public RSS feed.
…..item 2)…. New homeless board creates public-private-nonprofit collaboration …
… FSU News … www.fsunews.com/ …
… FSU News / section / News … www.fsunews.com/section/NEWS …
Written by
TaMaryn Waters
Democrat staff writer
Apr. 16, 2014 4:56 PM |
The Big Bend Homeless Coalition takes on the role of reducing homelessness throughout the Big Bend area.
A 2012 federal law, the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing or HEARTH, now requires those efforts to be more community driven. A newly forming board is tasked to make that happen.
A 36-member Continuum of Care board will be formed. Members will include city and county commissioners from every Big Bend area county, the Refuge House, the coalition and others.
Today’s meeting will gather the first 15 members, all appointed, to formally begin community-based planning. Advocates have spent the last year creating a local Continuum of Care mandated by the HEARTH law.
Once complete, the board will represent a public-private-nonprofit collaboration.
Check back at Tallahassee.com for more updates.
…..item 3)…. Miami Rents Are Wildly Unaffordable for Average Residents …
… Miami New Times … blogs.miaminewtimes.com/riptide/ …
Riptide … Miami News / Crime / Sports / Debauchery …
Unreal Estate
By Kyle Munzenrieder Wed., Apr. 16 2014 at 11:10 AM
Categories: Unreal Estate
img code photo … Miami Out of Control
Photo vis ISeeEvryThing’s Flickr | MNT Flickr Pool
The old rule of thumb is that you shouldn’t pay more than 30 percent of your income on rent and utilities, but in Miami that’s becoming a near-impossible guideline to stick to. A new Zillow analysis shows that the median rent (not including utilities) in Miami is equal to about 43 percent of the median income — an all-time high and one of the highest rates in the nation.
All those fancy, exclusive high-rises that developers keep building aren’t helping matters much.
That 43.2 percent spent on rent is up from the historical rate of 26.5 percent. Of the major metro areas, only Los Angeles has a higher average at 46.9 percent. Average New Yorkers, meanwhile, pay about 39.5 percent for rent. In San Francisco, it’s 40.7 percent.
The national average, however, is 29.5 percent, and many other large metro areas have saner rent prices. In Atlanta, for example, the fraction of the median average spent on the median rent is just 24.5 percent of the median income.
The New York Times says, "The problem threatens to get worse before it gets better." Demand from high-end renters and buyers, usually foreigners, is so strong in Miami that developers have little incentive to build apartment buildings that would be affordable to someone making the average income in Miami.
"Increasing the supply is not going to increase the number of affordable units; that is a complete and utter fallacy," Jaimie Ross, the president of the Florida Housing Coalition, told the paper. "People say if there really was a great need, the market would provide it; the market would correct itself. Well, the market has never corrected itself, and it’s only getting worse."
Essentially, there’s a large demand for more sanely priced rentals in Miami, but the mechanisms of the market at the moment make it unlikely that demand will be met. The increase in luxury contraction has also affected property values, making it more difficult to construct affordable buildings as well.
As far as moving to the suburbs is concerned, the Times notes that any savings can be quickly wiped out by transportation costs.
So, as Miami’s rich continue to get richer by selling fancy condos to other rich folks, the average Miamian continues to get screwed.
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— Ana Rosa Thillet from Facebook1 hour ago
Joseph Mazon even when I only pay 1175 rent plus utilities, im like in the 40% of my net monthly income. And that rent is extremely lower than the avarage in pembroke pines where i live. So im not sure the articles gives the wrong impression.
— Wilson Ruiz from Facebook7 hours ago
Come see life in Frankfurt. www.maincity.tv www.youtube.com/watch?v=HITJg5enVBw
— Chris Guapo from Facebook14 hours ago
NO! At least in NYC there are still descent jobs and social services. Miami doesn’t offer much of both sad to say.
— Amy Rodriguez from Facebook16 hours ago
Not even the homeless can live in Miami anymore…Poverty is a rise..
— Erick Oliva from Facebook19 hours ago
You cant compare miami to ny or ca the salaries here are much lower than in the rest of the country. I recently moved from brickell to cg because of the absurdity cost of living. Five years ago I was renting in brickell for 00/month today that same apt is priced at +2600/month. and is not much cheaper in other areas. So some people here make the stupidest comparisons.
— Cyberap Muzikk
Miami is cheap. Try living in D.C. Or NY. People down here spend all their money on alcohol and parties and have 0 work ethic, so it’s not rocket science why people here can’t afford their rent.
— Jose Antonio Navarro
as soon as i saw apartments in Hialeah go for more than 00 a month a few years ago, i knew the rental situation in Miami was going straight to hell
— ey0
That’s why so many young adults are forced to live with their parents. It’s almost impossible to afford something decent by yourself.
— angiealzola
I’m surprised it’s taken this long for this observation to make it onto print. Miami has become the high priced hooker, pimped out by our city officials to the highest bidders.